Mazal Tov to journalist/author/critic/blogger and friend, Seth Rogovy, on his eye popping new Bob Dylan Torathon, Bob Dylan: Prophet, Mystic, Poet.

I'll wait until I finish the book before offering any critiques, but here's a tip of the shtreimel to Seth, by-way-of the first internet video release of one of my Jewish Dylan parodies. All told, I've done a dozen or so - several made it onto my Live in Concert CD (Cantillation Row, Just Like a Chazn, High Holy Day Blues...and my personal favorite, Stuck Inside of Monsey with the Brooklyn Blues Again). The present vid comes from a recent concert at "my old shul" - Beth Emet Synagogue in Evanston, IL. As you'll see, the gig had a party atmosphere, which was sort of the point... anyway, more video highlights coming soon!